Rachel Welsh

Position title: HIV Care Services Coordinator

Email: rachel.welsh@dhs.wisconsin.gov

Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Bureau of Communicable Diseases
1 W. Wilson St
Madison, WI 53703

Rachel Welsh (they/she) is the HIV Care Services Coordinator at the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) contracted through UW-Madison’s Population Health Institute. Rachel is a clinically trained Social Worker and brings over 18 years of direct service experience to their role. As the HIV Care Services Coordinator Rachel focuses on training, connection, community, equity and standardization within the HIV Care Services workforce throughout the state. Within this role Rachel has also been afforded the opportunity to be the state co-chair of the State Action Planning Group (SAPG) this workgroup facilitates communication in all five regions of the state, participate in developing a joint HIV prevention and care services plan and advise the WI HIV Program on the development, implementation and prioritization of HIV prevention and care services in Wisconsin.