Public Health Tools and Resources

UWPHI develops resources and tools to support local, regional, and statewide efforts in Wisconsin aimed at improving health and equity. Data, evidence, and implementation examples are available in several easy-to-use databases. In addition, recorded and self-guided trainings relevant to social, economic, political, and structural drivers of health can be accessed.

Explore our resources

What Works for Health 

What Works for Health provides communities with information to help select and implement evidence-informed policies, programs, and system changes that will improve the variety of factors that affect health. For each strategy, you’ll find evidence ratings, implementation examples and other helpful resources.

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Wisconsin Health Atlas

The Wisconsin Health Atlas connects community groups with local data to inform and evaluate their work. It provides a comprehensive picture of the multiple factors that impact health. This tool is designed help change makers target interventions and resources where they’re most needed, monitor trends, and evaluate policies and programs.

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Improving Wisconsin’s Health

This tool is a database of priorities identified by local public health and health care systems across Wisconsin in their community health needs assessments (CHNA/CHA) and community health improvement plans (CHIP). Explore these compiled priorities to learn what others are focusing on and how you might align efforts.

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Health and Power Organizing Project (HPOP)

The Health and Power Organizing Project is a group of academics in public health, population health and related fields working to accelerate changes within and outside the bounds of academia so that all people have what they need to thrive. A long-term outcome of HPOP will be public health communities that more deeply engage — and share power — with communities facing inequity. Learn about how we are organizing and creating spaces for academics and applied researchers who share interests in contesting power imbalances and building power to advance health and equity.

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