Ruth Koepke

Position title: Syndromic Surveillance Data Analyst


Wisconsin Department of Health Services
Office of Health Informatics
1 W. Wilson St
Madison, WI 53703

Ruth Koepke

Ruth is the Syndromic Surveillance Data Analyst for the Wisconsin Department of Health Services Office of Health Informatics. She has nearly 20 years of experience in public health data analysis, surveillance, research, and evaluation regarding a variety of topics including hepatitis C, vaccine-preventable diseases, immunization, and cystic fibrosis newborn screening. Ruth has worked in state and local public health agencies in California and Wisconsin and also has experience analyzing Epic medical records data at UW Health. Ruth is passionate about learning and using new tools and data sources in order to identify and describe health issues to inform public health action. Ruth has an MPH degree in Epidemiology/Biostatistics from the University of California-Berkeley.