Janae Goodrich
Position title: Evaluation Researcher
Email: jgoodrich@wisc.edu
Phone: (608) 263-5029
Janae Goodrich, MA
UW Population Health Institute
610 Walnut Street, 989 WARF Building
Madison, WI 53726
Janae Goodrich is an Associate Researcher with the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. She has a background in Sociology and is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a B.A. in Sociology and an M.A. in Grant Writing, Management and Evaluation from Concordia University-Chicago in December 2015.
She has worked on projects in several topical areas including drug treatment courts, mental health treatment courts, diversion programs, public defense delivery systems, mental health treatment, substance use treatment and prevention, mental health and substance use treatment for youth and young adults, and fetal alcohol syndrome. These projects have included collection of both qualitative and quantitative data, assistance with program development and improvement, database development, site visit and key stakeholder interviews, descriptive data analysis, linking with state and county agency administrative data systems, data security practices, and presentation of results. Before joining the UW Population Health Institute, Janae worked with AmeriCorps Preschools of Hope program helping prepare 4- and 5-year-olds for kindergarten.
- Goodrich J, Lecoanet R, Peterson D, Erdman B. “Youth Empowered Solutions! (YES!) Evaluation Report for Grant Years 1-4.” University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, April 2019. Full Report, Executive Summary
- Goodrich J, Lecoanet R, Dustman D. “Youth Empowered Solutions! (YES!) Evaluation Report for Grant Years 1-3.” University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, January 2018. Full Report, Executive Summary
- Kit Van Stelle and Janae Goodrich (September 2017). “Wisconsin Smart Defense Reporting, Analysis, and Mining Project (RAMP) Final Report of Project Implementation and Outcomes (2015-2017)” Collaboratively prepared by the WI State Public Defender’s Office (Michael Tobin, Katherine Dellenbach, and Chandru Solraj) and the University of WI Population Health Institute (Kit Van Stelle, Janae Goodrich) for the U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance. Final Report, Executive Summary
- Kit R. Van Stelle and Janae Goodrich (June 2015). “Evaluation of the Dane County Deferred Prosecution Child Abuse Initiative (DPCAI).” Dane County Wisconsin Racial Justice Improvement Project. Report to the American Bar Association in collaboration with the Dane County District Attorney’s Office and the Dane County Equity and Criminal Justice Council. Final Report, Final Report with Appendices
- Kit R. Van Stelle, Janae Goodrich, and Stephanie Kroll. “Treatment Alternatives and Diversion (TAD) Participant Outcome Evaluation and Cost-Benefit Report (2007 – 2013).” July 2014. Report detailing seven years of TAD implementation, released in collaboration with the WI Department of Justice, the WI Department of Corrections, the WI Department of Health Services, and the Director of State Courts Office. Executive Summary, Full Report, 2007-2013 Data By TAD Site.
- Wilton, Georgiana, D. Paul Moberg, Kit R. Van Stelle, Lyric L. Dold, Kristi Obmascher, and Janae Goodrich. (2013) “A Randomized Trial Comparing Telephone vs. In-person Brief Intervention to Reduce the Risk of an Alcohol-Exposed Pregnancy.” Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, Nov-Dec: 45(5), 389-394.
- Van Stelle, Kit R. and Janae Goodrich. “Treatment Alternatives and Diversion (TAD) Program Evaluation and Project Progress Update: July 2013”. For the Wisconsin Office of Justice Assistance, the Wisconsin Department of Corrections, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, July.
- Van Stelle, Kit R. Janae Goodrich, Robin Lecoanet, Sarah Linnan, and Jason Paltzer. February 2013. “Evaluation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Misdemeanor Diversion and Youthful Offender Programs.” For the WI Office of Justice Assistance.
- Kit R. Van Stelle, Janae Goodrich, and Jason Paltzer. “Treatment Alternatives and Diversion (TAD): Advancing Effective Diversion in Wisconsin.” December 2011. Report to the Wisconsin Legislature in collaboration with the WI Office of Justice Assistance, the WI Department of Corrections, and the WI Department of Health Services. Brief Summary, Executive Summary, and Full Report.
- Kit R. Van Stelle and Janae Goodrich. “Treatment Alternatives and Diversion (TAD) Program Annual Site Progress Report”. University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute Report, December 2009. Brief Summary, Executive Summary, and Full Report.
- Kit R. Van Stelle and Janae Goodrich. “2008/2009 Study of Probation and Parole Revocation.” University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute Reports, May 2009. Prepared for the Wisconsin Department of Corrections. Brief Summary, Executive Summary, and Full Report.
- Kit R. Van Stelle and Janae Goodrich. “Treatment Alternatives and Diversion (TAD) Program: Report on Participant Outcomes”. University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute Report, December 2008. Executive Summary. One-page Summary. Full report available on request.