Gillian Giglierano

Position title: Evidence Analyst


Gillian is an evidence analyst on the Evidence & Policy Analysis team. This team’s work includes What Works for Health (WWFH), a searchable online database that provides community leaders, coalitions, and others with promising strategies to respond effectively to their health priorities. In WWFH, analysts systematically assess, summarize, and rate evidence for policies and programs that can affect health behaviors, social & economic factors, the physical environment, and clinical care. This research and translation effort was initially developed with funding from the Wisconsin Partnership Program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and expanded to support the County Health Rankings & Roadmaps program in 2012.

Gillian holds a Master of Public Affairs from University of Wisconsin-Madison’s La Follette School and a bachelor’s degree from Illinois State University. Her interests are health and education policy, family and child well-being, and social justice. Prior to joining County Health Rankings and Roadmaps, Gillian worked in the public schools as an orchestra program director focusing on program accessibility and educational equity.