James Sauer

Position title: Training and Subject Matter Expert

Email: jmsauer@wisc.edu

James Sauer

James is a temporary Training and Subject Matter Expert working with University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute on the Dane County District Attorney’s Office Opioid Diversion Program. He received his Master’s Degree in Social Work from UW Madison. He is licensed in Wisconsin as a Clinical Social Worker and Marriage and Family Therapist, as well as a Clinical Substance Abuse Counselor and Independent Clinical Supervisor. He is an Associate Member of the American Society of Addiction Medicine and a Professional Member of the National Association of Alcoholism and Drug Addiction Counselors.

James has a longstanding professional history in the treatment of Substance Use Disorders, including, the design and implementation of the Dane County Deferred Prosecution-Opioid Project, Clinical Supervisor for a clinic utilizing Medication for Opioid Use Disorder, a Substance Abuse Counselor for UW Whitewater students and faculty, Clinical Coordinator for Dane County Drug Treatment Court, provided comprehensive evaluations for inmates in Dane County Jails for diversion treatments, provided independent evaluations for court-ordered assessments, and independent Presentence Investigation Reports for attorneys. James has taught the large Substance Abuse class for UW School of Social Work, and has guest lectured for many Social Work and Criminal Justice classes. He presented at Wisconsin’s first Heroin Summit.