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- Linnan S, Skalitzky E, Walsh-Felz A, Taber E, State Opioid Response (SOR-3) Year Two: Statewide Mid-Year Snapshot. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, 2024.
- Vigna A, O’Leary MK. Repairing trust via trustworthy public engagement: Recommendations for local government. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. 2024.
- Vigna, A., Lafeyette, K., Manzanares, M., Little, O., Alhagri, S. (2023). 2023 FACT Evaluation Report. Prepared by UW Madison Population Health Institute on behalf of the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Service’s Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. Madison, WI.
- Goodrich, J., Skalitzky, E., Hogeterp, C. One Year of 988 Report. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, August 2023
- Vigna A, Lafeyette K, Manzanares M, Little O, Alhagri S. 2023 FACT Evaluation Report. Prepared by UW Madison Population Health Institute on behalf of the State of Wisconsin Department of Health Service’s Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. Madison, WI, December 2023.
- Feder, E. and Crull, N. (2023). UW-Madison Population Health Institute. Listening to Communities in Community Assessment: Access to Food and Physical Activity in Wisconsin’s Immigrant and Black Communities and the executive summary: FoodWIse Report_Executive Summary.
- Vigna A, McClain J, Zeba L, Zhang C, Hernandez V. 2022 SoMa RiSe Report. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, December, 2022.
- Vigna A, McClain J, Zeba L, Zhang C, Hernandez V. South Madison RiSE 2022 Technical Appendices. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, 2022 December
- Amos, R., Vigna, A., & Goodrich, J. (2022). Isthmus Safety Initiative: Community Engagement Results
- Linnan S, Skalitzky E, Walsh-Felz A, Lafayette K, Amos R, Hogeterp C, Singh S. Wisconsin’s State Opioid Response 2 Grant: Program and Client Overview. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, September 2022.
- Morales M, Barrrett K. Public Health Training Centers Partner with Community Health Worker Organizations to Train and Support the CHW Workforce JPHMP Direct Journal of Public Health Management & Practice Blog, 2022.
- Goodrich J, Linnan S, Walsh-Felz A, Skalitzky E, Hogeterp C, Melah K. Emergency COVID-19 Grant GPRA Report. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, May 2022.
- Goodrich J, Taber E. Pathways to Recovery Madison and Dane County Preliminary Evaluation Report. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, April 2022.
- The 2021 Wisconsin Population Health and Equity Report Card. University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, 2022.
- Heller J, O’Leary MK, Witkovsky, B. Achieving Racial and Health Equity: Strengthening Milwaukee County’s Public Health Infrastructure. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, February, 2022.
- Feder E, Lafayette K. Final report of the Wisconsin strategic prevention framework for prescription drugs (SPF Rx) project. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, September, 2021.
- Feder E, Lafayette K, Bentley T. Wisconsin prescription drug/opioid-related deaths prevention project (PDO) final report. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, September, 2021.
- Feder E. Vigna A. Dane County Mental Health Court Feasibility Study Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, December, 2021.
- Goodrich J, Sauer J. Participant Recidivism Analysis for Dane County’s Deferred Prosecution Opioid Diversion Program. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute and Dane County District Attorney’s Office, December, 2021.
- Raygor A, Núñez J. 2020-2021 Project WISE Program Aggregate Summary. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, October, 2021.
- Linnan S, Sayavedra N, Skalitzky E. Wisconsin State Opioid Response Program Overview. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, September 2021.
- Raygor A, Núñez J. 2020-2021 PREP Program Summary Aggregate Report. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, August, 2021.
- Vigna AJ. Bugasch- Scopoline S. A systems evaluation of the Wisconsin Adolescent Health Program. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, March 2021. Full Report. Executive Summary
- Vigna AJ, Connor T. The 2019 Behavioral Health Gaps Report for the State of Wisconsin. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, October 2020. Final Report. Technical Appendices.
- Linnan S, Walsh-Felz A, Skalitzky E. Strategic Prevention Framework Partnerships for Success 2015 Final Evaluation Report. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, September 2020. Final Report.
- Linnan S, Paltzer J, Skalitzky E. The Burden of Binge Drinking in Wisconsin. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, October 2019.
- Busarow S, Bahrainian M. Wisconsin Chronic Disease Quality Improvement Project: HEDIS® 2018 Summary Data. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, 2019.
- Goodrich J, Lecoanet R, Peterson D, Erdman B. “Youth Empowered Solutions! (YES!) Evaluation Report for Grant Years 1-4.” Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, April 2019. Full Report, Executive Summary.
- Moberg DP, Kuo D. Intoxicated Driver Program-2: Analysis of Arrests, IDP Compliance and 3 Year Recidivism. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, March 2019. Full Report. Executive Summary. Brief.
- Lecoanet R, Smith B, Voskuil K, Lindberg SM. “Wisconsin Medicaid Dental Reimbursement Pilot Program: Evaluation Report After One Year of Program Implementation” Prepared for the Wisconsin Department of Health Services by the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute; 2019.
- Moberg DP, Godecker AL, Williams TM. Summary Report: Lifecourse Initiative for Healthy Families Summative Evaluation. University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, September 2019.
Weymouth L, Joyner HR, Skalitzky E, Hillert S. School Wellness in Wisconsin: Local Data for Action. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute; 2019
- Joyner, HR. “healthTIDE 2019 District Participation Report” Prepared for the healthTIDE Schools Team; Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute; April 2019.
- Sayavedra N, Walsh-Felz A, Lecoanet R. Medication-Assisted Treatment Prescription Drug and Opioid Addiction (MAT-PDOA) Grant MATRS Program Results-Sauk and Columbia Counties. University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, May 2019.
- Black P, Dykema J, Kim Y, Moberg DP, Stevenson J. Straightling: Overview of Measurement, Comparison of Indicators, and Effects in Mail-Web Mixed-Mode Surveys. University of Wisconsin Survey Center, February 2018.
- Feder E, Godfrey R. Evaluation of the Statewide Standing Order for Naloxone: Findings and Recommendations. University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, November 2018. Full Report, Executive Summary.
- Goodrich J, Lecoanet R, Dustman D. “Youth Empowered Solutions! (YES!) Evaluation Report for Grant Years 1-3.” University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, January 2018. Full Report, Executive Summary
- Joyner HR, Charron LM, Lindberg SM, Bednarz L, Gigot M, Smith MA, Remington PL. “One Size Fits All” Doesn’t Work for Obesity Prevention: Obesity in Wisconsin, 2015-2016. University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, June 2018.
- Linnan S, Walsh-Felz A, Moberg DP. Perceptions, Awareness, and Use of Substances in Wisconsin: Results of a Survey Conducted for the Wisconsin Strategic Prevention Framework Partnerships for Success 2015. University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute; February 2018.
- Linnan S, Walsh-Felz A, Moberg DP, Kelly L, Lindberg S. Strategic Prevention Framework Partnerships for Success 2015 Interim Evaluation Report. University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute; April 2018.
- Raygor AD, Lindberg SM. In Pursuit of a 2020 Vision: Evaluation Findings of the National Initiative for Childhood Agricultural Injury Prevention. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute; 2018.
- Moberg DP, Kuo D. Five Year Recidivism after Arrest for Operating While Intoxicated: A Large-scale Cohort Study. University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, April 2017.
- Van Stelle KR, Goodrich J. “Wisconsin Smart Defense Reporting, Analysis, and Mining Project (RAMP) Final Report of Project Implementation and Outcomes (2015-2017)” Collaboratively prepared by the WI State Public Defender’s Office (Michael Tobin, Katherine Dellenbach, and Chandru Solraj) and the University of WI Population Health Institute (Kit Van Stelle, Janae Goodrich) for the U.S. Bureau of Justice Assistance, September 2017. Final Report, Executive Summary.
- Friedsam D, Leininger L, Voskuil, K. Evaluation of Medicaid Medical Homes for Pregnant Women in Southeast Wisconsin. Final Report. submitted to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services, March 6, 2016.
- Linnan S, Lecoanet R. Jackson County Community Health Survey: Summary of Results, University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, March 2016.
- Linnan S, Moberg DP, Tuholski B. Strategic Prevention Framework Partnerships For Success II: Final Evaluation Report. September 2016.
- Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Division of Care and Treatment Services and Division of Public Health. Wisconsin Epidemiological Profile on Alcohol and Other Drugs, 2016 (P-45718-6). Prepared by the Division of Care and Treatment Services, Division of Public Health, and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, November 2016.
- Health of Wisconsin Report Card (2016): Assessment of Wisconsin’s health and health disparities. University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, 2016.
- Van Stelle KR, Goodrich J. “Evaluation of the Dane County Deferred Prosecution Child Abuse Initiative (DPCAI).” Dane County Wisconsin Racial Justice Improvement Project. Report to the American Bar Association in collaboration with the Dane County District Attorney’s Office and the Dane County Equity and Criminal Justice Council, University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, June 2015. Final Report. Final Report with Appendices.
- Friedsam D, Burns ME, et al. Evaluation of Wisconsin’s BadgerCare Plus Health Coverage for Parents & Caretaker Adults and for Childless Adults, 2012 Waiver Provisions. Technical & Scientific Report and Executive Summary. Submitted to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services on December 8, 2014.
- Friedsam D. Major Topics for Cross-Cutting Research: Effects of Medicaid Policy Variation. Paper and panel presentation at The Brookings Institution. Conference on Evolving a Research Strategy for the Affordable Care Act. October 23, 2014.
- Friedsam D, Kaplan T. Eskrich S. State-Level Field Network Study of the Implementation of the Affordable Care Act: Wisconsin. Rockefeller Institute of Government and the Brookings Institution. August 2014.
- Van Stelle KR, Goodrich J, Kroll S. “Treatment Alternatives and Diversion (TAD) Participant Outcome Evaluation and Cost-Benefit Report (2007 – 2013).” Report detailing seven years of TAD implementation, released in collaboration with the WI Department of Justice, the WI Department of Corrections, the WI Department of Health Services, and the Director of State Courts Office, July 2014. Executive Summary. Full Report.
- Black P, Paltzer J. The Burden of Excessive Alcohol Use in Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, Month Year.
- Black P, Linnan S, Walsh-Felz A, Moberg DP, Paltzer J. Wisconsin Strategic Prevention Framework State Incentive Grant: Final Evaluation Report. July 2013.
- Feder, E., Moran, C., Transitional Jobs Programs: A Health Impact Assessment. UW Population Health Institute, January 2013. Executive Summary. Full Report.
- Feder, E., Moran, C., Gargano Ahmed, A., Lessem, S., Steidl, R., Limiting Retail Alcohol Outlets in the Greenbush-Vilas Neighborhood, Madison, Wisconsin: A Health Impact Assessment. University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, 2013. Executive Summary. Full Report.
- Van Stelle KR, Goodrich J. “Treatment Alternatives and Diversion (TAD) Program Evaluation and Project Progress Update: July 2013.” For the Wisconsin Office of Justice Assistance, the Wisconsin Department of Corrections, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, July, 2013.
- Van Stelle KR. Goodrich J, Lecoanet R, Linnan S, Paltzer J. . “Evaluation of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) Misdemeanor Diversion and Youthful Offender Programs.” For the WI Office of Justice Assistance. University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, February 2013.
- Feder E, Friedsam D. How Many Doctors Will Wisconsin Need? What Should Wisconsin’s Medical Schools Be Doing? UW Population Health Institute Issue Brief. Vol 11(1). Nov 2012.
- Friedsam D. Wisconsin’s Health Care Quality: Among the Best…and Among the Worst. UW Population Health Institute Issue Brief. Vol 11(2). Nov 2012.
- Linnan S, Walsh-Felz A, Moberg DP. Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment Wisconsin Initiative to Promote Healthy Lifestyles. August 2012.
- Friedsam D, DeLeire T, Dague L, Voskuil K, Meier s, Leininger L. Kuo D. Evaluation of BadgerCare Core Plan for Adults without Dependent Children (“Childless Adults”). Submitted to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. December 2011.
- Report #1: Evaluation of Wisconsin’s BadgerCare Plus Core Plan for Adults without Dependent Children: How Does Coverage of Childless Adults Affect Their Utilization?
- Report #2: Evaluation of Wisconsin’s BadgerCare Plus Core Plan for Adults without Dependent Children: The Utility of the Health Needs Assessment (HNA)
- Report #3: Evaluation of Wisconsin’s BadgerCare Plus Core Plan for Adults without Dependent Children: Is Early Utilization Distorted by Pent-Up Demand?
- Freidsam D, Hynes E, Paradiso R, Walsh L, Busse H, Mader E. State Health Policy Special Series: Graduate Student Authors. University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute Issue Brief, April 2011.
- Leininger L, Friedsam D, Voskuil K, DeLeire T. The Target Efficiency of Online Medicaid/CHIP Enrollment: An Evaluation of Wisconsin’s ACCESS Internet Portal. Issue Brief, State Health Access Reform Evaluation, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. February 2011
- Van Stelle KR. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Wisconsin Association of Treatment Court Professionals, April 2011, Wisconsin Rapids, WI. “Update on Wisconsin Treatment Alternatives and Diversion Program (TAD) Evaluation: What Have We Learned About TAD Drug Treatment Courts?”
- Van Stelle KR. “Sawyer County Traffic Offender Program (STOP) Recidivism Summary.” Summary of criminal recidivism of offenders participating in an Intensive Supervision Program in Sawyer County Wisconsin. University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, April 2011.
- Van Stelle KR, Goodrich J, Paltzer J. “Treatment Alternatives and Diversion (TAD): Advancing Effective Diversion in Wisconsin.” December 2011. Report to the Wisconsin Legislature in collaboration with the WI Office of Justice Assistance, the WI Department of Corrections, and the WI Department of Health Services. Brief Summary, Executive Summary, and Full Report.
- Friedsam D, Dague L, Kuo D, Leininger L, Meier S, Mok S, Voskuil K, DeLeire T. Evaluation of Wisconsin’s BadgerCare Plus: Final Reports. Submitted to the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. December 2010.
- Report #1: Executive Summary Findings on Enrollment, Take-Up, Continuity, Target Efficiency, and Participation in Employer-Sponsored Insurance Coverage
- Report #2: Enrollment, Take-Up, Exit, and Churning: Has BadgerCare Plus Improved Access to and Continuity of Coverage? Has BadgerCare Plus Improved Access to and Continuity of Coverage?
- Report #3: Target Efficiency and the Displacement of Private Insurance: How Many New BadgerCare Enrollees Came from the Uninsured?
- Report #4: Wisconsin’s Lessons about the Potential of Medicaid Auto-Enrollment
- Report #5: Wisconsin’s On-Line System for Medicaid Application and Enrollment: Who Uses It? And Does it Increase Take-Up of Benefits?
- Applicants’ Access to Employer Health Insurance: Do Existing Systems Effectively Collect and Verify Information?
- Report #6: Has Wisconsin Achieved the Policy Goal of 98% Access to Health Insurance Coverage?
- The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured. Optimizing Medicaid Enrollment: Spotlight on Technology. Wisconsin’s ACCESS Internet Portal. October 2010.
- Diage, T. Menu Calorie Postings in Restaurants: Policy Intervention to Prevent and Reduce Obesity. UW Population Health Institute Issue Brief. November 2009 (Vol. 9, No. 4).
- Friedsam D, Pfefferkorn B. Medical Homes and Retail Clinics: Policy Considerations for Accountable Health Care. UW Population Health Institute Issue Brief. January 2009 (Vol. 9, No. 1).
- Friedsam D, Leininger L, Bergum A, Mok A, Aksamitauskas M, Oliver T, and DeLeire T. Wisconsin’s BadgerCare Plus Coverage Expansion and Simplification, Early Data on Program Impact. Issue Brief. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. October 2009.
- Hynes, E and Oliver, TR. BadgerCare Plus Evaluation: Timeline of Program Development and Report on Interviews with Key Stakeholders. UW Population Health Institute, October 2010
- O’Connor C, Stiegler P. Out-of-Hospital Sudden Cardiac Arrests: Advancing the Use of Cardiocerebral Resuscitation (CCR) to Improve Survival. UW Population Health Institute Issue Brief. July 2009.
- O’Connor T, Ziege A. Co-Occurring Mental and Physical Health Conditions in Wisconsin: Implications for Health Care Delivery. UW Population Health Institute Issue Brief. August 2009 (Vol. 9, No. 3).
- Van Stelle KR, Goodrich J. “Treatment Alternatives and Diversion (TAD) Program Annual Site Progress Report”. University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute Report, December 2009. Brief Summary, Executive Summary, and Full Report.
- Van Stelle KR, Goodrich J. “2008/2009 Study of Probation and Parole Revocation.” University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute Reports, May 2009. Prepared for the Wisconsin Department of Corrections. Brief Summary, Executive Summary, and Full Report.
- Bowser J. Physically Active Kids: How to Grow Healthy, Active Adults. UW Population Health Issue Brief. September 2008 (Vol. 8, No. 2).
- Friedsam D. Consumer Engagement and “Value-Driven Health Care”: Do we have the right information tools? UW Population Health Institute Issue Brief. January 2008 (Vol. 8, No. 1).
- Ives N. Minimum Drinking Age: Does Evidence Support Lowering it from Age 21? UW Population Health Issue Brief. November 2008 (Vol. 8, No. 3).
- Van Stelle KR. “Annual 2007 Evaluation Report for the Wisconsin Treatment Alternatives and Diversion (TAD) Program”. University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute, February 2008. Executive Summary. One-page Summary.
- Van Stelle KR, Goodrich J. “Treatment Alternatives and Diversion (TAD) Program: Report on Participant Outcomes”. University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute Report, December 2008. Executive Summary. One-page Summary.
- Busarow S, Yuan H, and Brue C. Cardiovascular Care Performance – 2007. PPH 43097 (08/07). Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services, Division of Public Health
- Van Stelle KR. Evaluation of the Earned Release Program for the Wisconsin Department of Corrections. Two parts: Evaluation Report February 2007 and Progress Update December 2007. University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute Reports.
Executive Summary – Part 1 (February). Full Report – Part 1 (February).
Executive Summary – Part 2 (December). Full Report – Part 2 (December). - Van Stelle KR. “Sawyer County First Step Drug Court Initial Evaluation Report.” University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute Report, September 2007. (Executive Summary).
- Ceraso M, Frisch K, Hargarten S, Corden T. Primary Enforcement of Seatbelt Laws: A Means for Decreasing Injuries, Deaths and Crash-Related Costs in Wisconsin?. UW Population Health Institute Issue Brief. September 2006 (Vol. 7, No. 1).
- Vila P. Adolescent Pregnancy: Assessing the Evidence on Abstinence-Based Interventions. UW Population Health Institute Issue Brief. October 2006 (Vol. 7, No. 2A).
- Byrd D, Friedsam D, Remington P. Healthiest Wisconsin 2010 and Health Disparities: How do the state’s goals relate to Wisconsin’s minority populations? UW Population Health Institute Issue Brief. August 2005 (Vol. 6, No. 4).
- Byrd D, Remington P, Katcher M. Reducing Black Infant Mortality in Wisconsin: Best Practices and Model Programs. UW Population Health Institute Issue Brief. July 2005 (Vol. 6, No. 3).
- Friedsam D. “From Health Disparities to Knowledge Exchange: The Role of Community-Academic Partnerships.” The National AHEC Journal. Vol XXI(2). Spring/Summer 2005.
- Kempf A, Kindig D, Peppard P, Remington P. How Do Wisconsin’s Health Outcomes Compare To Those Of Other Midwest States? UW Population Health Institute Issue Brief. June 2005 (Vol. 6, No. 2).
- Landis M, Ahrens D, Remington P. Improving Student Nutrition through School Vending Machine Policies. UW Population Health Institute Issue Brief. March 2005 (Vol. 6, No. 1).
- Stolzmann K, Ludlum L, Camponeschi J, Remington P. Strategies to Increase Diabetes Patient Education and Training. UW Population Health Institute Issue Brief. November 2005 (Vol. 6, No. 7).
- Pandhi N, Brown R. Mandatory Minimum Drug Sentencing: Is it an effective Drug Use Control Strategy? UW Population Health Institute Issue Brief. October 2005 (Vol. 6, No. 6).
- Van Stelle KR, Moberg DP. “Outcome Evaluation of the MICA Program: Summary of Seven Years of Program Participants.” University of WI Population Health Institute publication, August 2005. Executive Summary.
- Zank D, Friedsam D. Employee Health Promotion Programs: What is the Return on Investment? UW Population Health Institute Issue Brief. September 9, 2005 (Vol. 6, No. 5).
- Ahrens D, Remington P. Should Schools Monitor Rates of Overweight and Obesity among Students in Wisconsin? UW Population Health Institute Issue Brief. November 2004 (Vol. 5, No. 8).
- Dranger E, Remington P. YPLL: A Summary Measure of Premature Mortality Used in Measuring the Health of Communities. UW Population Health Institute Issue Brief. October 2004 (Vol. 5, No. 7).
- Friedsam D. Issue Brief: Cost Sharing and “Consumer Driven Purchasing,” Part 2, Is There Promise for Cost Control?” Wisconsin Public Health and Health Policy Institute. August 2004 (Vol. 5, No. 5).
- Friedsam D, Ahrens DM, Maurer MA. Issue Brief: Cost-Sharing and “Consumer Driven Purchasing,” Part 1, The Economic Challenge to Consumers. Wisconsin Public Health and Health Policy Institute. August 2004. Vol. 4, No. 4.
- Friedsam D. Consumer Health Literacy: Preparing for Changing Roles, Rights and Responsibilities in Health and Health Care. Wisconsin Public Health and Health Policy Institute, Wisconsin Health Forums Project. Vol. 2, Number 1, 2004.
- Friedsam D, Kindig D. Issue Brief: Consumer Health Literacy: Preparing for Changing Roles, Rights, and Responsibilities in Health and Health Care. Wisconsin Public Health and Health Policy Institute. May 2004. Volume 5. Number 3.
- Friedsam D. Wisconsin’s Future Newborn Citizens: Potential Medicaid Cost Savings in Covering Immigrants’ Prenatal Care. WI Public Health and Health Policy Institute. Issue Brief Vol 5(2): 2004.
- Friedsam D. “Healthier Choices”: Will Relief from Current Coverage Mandates Reduce Insurance Costs and Increase Coverage? Wisconsin Public Health and Health Policy Institute Issue Brief Vol. 5(1): 2004.
- Kempf A, Kindig D, Peppard P, Remington P. How Fast Can Wisconsin Become Healthier? A Framework for Setting State Health Objectives. UW Population Health Institute Issue Brief. December 2004 (Vol. 5, No. 9).
- Landis M, Kempf A, Remington P, Peppard P, McElroy J. Using Air, Water, and Lead Exposure as Measures of the Physical Environment: The Wisconsin County Health Ranking. UW Population Health Institute Issue Brief. September 2004 (Vol. 5, No. 6).
- Van Stelle KR, Blumer C, Moberg DP. “Treatment Retention of Dually Diagnosed Offenders In An Institutional Therapeutic Community.” Behavioral Sciences and the Law, 22:585-597. 2004
- Van Stelle KR, Moberg DP. “Outcome Data for MICA Clients After Participation in an Institutional Therapeutic Community.” Journal of Offender Rehabilitation, Vol. 39 (1). 2004
- Van Stelle KR, Moberg DP. Outcome Evaluation of the Women in Need of Substance Abuse Treatment (WINSAT) Program: Outcome Findings. UW Center for Health Policy and Program Evaluation. August 2004.
- Austin D, Newsom R. An Ounce of Prevention: What Can Policymakers Do About the Obesity Epidemic. UW Population Health Institute Issue Brief. August 2003 (Vol. 4, No. 5).
- Ceraso M. Tobacco Taxes: Implications for Public Health. UW Population Health Institute Issue Brief. April 2003 (Vol. 4, No. 3).
- Fotlz J, Roth C, Barham B. Health Insurance Coverage among Wisconsin’s Dairy Farmers. UW Population Health Institute Issue Brief. February 2003 (Vol. 4, No. 1).
- Kindig D. Considering Health Inequality. UW Population Health Institute Issue Brief. March 2003 (Vol. 4, No. 2).
- Newsom R, Kindig D, Remington P. Should We Keep Wisconsin’s Physician Office Visit Data System? UW Population Health Institute Issue Brief. May 2003 (Vol. 4, No. 4).
- Van Stelle KR, Moberg DP. “Outcome Evaluation of the Women in Need of Substance Abuse Treatment (WINSAT) Program: Preliminary Outcome Findings.” University of Wisconsin Center for Health Policy and Program Evaluation publication, June 2003.
- Van Stelle KR, Petoskey E, Basina L. “Red Cliff Anishinaabek Juvenile Justice Study Final Report.” University of WI Center for Health Policy and Program Evaluation publication, October 2003.
- Friedsam D. Racial and Ethnic Data: Are They Reliable for Program and Policy Development? Wisconsin Public Health and Health Policy Institute. Issue Brief Vol. 3(5): 2002.
- Newsom RS, Friedsam D. State Policy Options: Health Costs and Financing. Wisconsin Public Health and Health Policy Institute, Wisconsin Health Policy Forums, Vol. 1(1): 2002.
- Van Stelle KR, Moberg DP. “Outcome Evaluation of the Mental Illness – Chemical Abuse (MICA) Program: Summary of Four Years of Program Participants.” University of Wisconsin Center for Health Policy and Program Evaluation publication, June 2002.
- Lake A, Carufel R, Friedsam D, Reynolds P. Inter-Tribal Pharmacy Network: A Vehicle to Manage Pharmacy Costs and Improve Patient Care. The IHS Primary Care Provider. 2001; 26(12):177-180.
- Van Stelle KR, Moberg DP. “Process Evaluation of the WI Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program for Female Prisoners: The Women in Need of Substance Abuse Treatment (WINSAT) Program.” University of Wisconsin Center for Health Policy and Program Evaluation publication, April 2000.
- Van Stelle KR, Moberg DP. Outcome Evaluation of the Wisconsin Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Program: The Mental Illness-Chemical Abuse (MICA) Program at Oshkosh Correctional Institution, 1998-2000. University of Wisconsin Center for Health Policy and Program Evaluation. August 2000. Executive Summary.